Thursday, May 30, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Oatmeal Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies with Peanut Butter Filling (Better than the Girl Scout Verison)
It's been an exciting week here. Our 4 1/2 year old Black Lab Derby had her first ever littter of pups. I guess she figured if she could only do it once , she'd do it up right. She had 13 puppies! It's pretty amazing watching these little guys, Paul and I love them! I actually got some baking done this week as well. To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.
Monday, May 20, 2013
A Frittata For Brunch
About.coms Culinary Arts says that...".In the culinary arts, a Frittata is a flat Italian-style omelet that's usually prepared in a cast-iron skillet. A brunch menu classic, the frittata may also have its origin in Spanish cuisine". To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Apple Nut Sour Cream Coffee Cake
I found this recipe on The Baking Pan. It was suppose to be a Pear Nut Sour Cream Coffee Cake, but I didn't have pears. Apples worked just fine. To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Cheddar Bacon Biscuits
So I was surfing the net looking for a fried chicken recipe to make for dinner when I landed on A Feast for the Eye's blog. To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Blueberry Fool
According to Wikipedia the earliest recipe for fruit fool dates bake to the mid 17th century. Originally the most common fruit ingredient in fools was gooseberries. Thankfully modern recipes include any seasonable fruit readily available. The origin of the name fool isn't clear but some authors believe it's derived from the french word fouler, which means to crush or press. To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.