
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Peanut Butter Banana and Chocolate Parfait

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This is my entry for "Beat The Heat". This is an event that Grace from A Southern Grace has going on right now. The deadline to get your entry in is August 8th at 12pm EST. Grace has challenged us to make a dish that doesn't require you to use the stove cause Lord knows it's been too Hot to cook or bake lately.
  To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.

 But you can use the microwave. So here it is my Elvis Parfait. Anything with peanut butter, chocolate and bananas has to be an Elvis something right! This is my own concoction. I have a Peanut butter Pie recipe that I used for the peanut butter part. I halved the original recipe for this cause there would have been waayyy to much left over. I also used whipped cream this time ( you can use Cool Whip ) and made the Chef's Secret Whipped Cream and folded it into the peanut butter filling . I also made Chocolate Whipped Cream from a recipe on the Hershey site. All that's left to do is assemble. First chocolate whipped cream,peanut butter filling , bananas then chocolate whipped cream on top and garnish with bananas!

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Yum!!! My family loves anything with chocolate and peanut butter, throw in the bananas and they're swooning!!

Elvis Peanut Butter and Chocolate Parfait with Bananas

I halved this recipe for the parfait.

Peanut Butter Pie
Nana's recipe

8 oz pkg cream cheese, room temp
1 cup confectioners sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup peanut butter
8 oz Cool Whip ( I used a halved recipe for the Chef's Secret Whipped Cream instead of the Cool Whip)

With an electric mixer beat the cream cheese and peanut butter until well blended. Sift the powdered sugar and add to cream cheese mixture, add the 1/2 cup milk. Mix well.

Chocolate Whipped Cream
Hershey Recipe Site

I added 1 tsp of unflavored gelatin to the recipe to give it the staying power of Cool Whip. Mix 1/4 cup of water with 1 tsp of unflavored gelatin, heat it on low until the gelatin is dissolved. Add to the cream before the other ingredients, this takes just like pudding!

CHOCOLATE WHIPPED CREAM: In bowl, combine 1/2 cup sugar and 1/4 cup HERSHEY'S Cocoa. Add 1 cup (1/2 pt.) cold whipping cream and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract; beat on low speed to blend. Beat on high speed until stiff.


  1. I think I'm in love here! Just beautiful.

  2. If I lived in California, I'd marry you for this recipe. Holy crap. It's beyond brilliant.

  3. this really is beautiful, bunny. thanks again for sending it my way! :)

  4. I am definately gonna try this one!
    Thanks Bunny

  5. Oh, this looks heavenly! I think I have all the ingredients. Nice blog you have!

  6. Perfect recipe to beat the heat with Bunny!!! I love it!

  7. YUM!! This is on my to make list!!

  8. That is one good looking beat the heat entry! Worth sweeting over I must say.

  9. What a perfect entry for the Beat the Heat event. I love all those flavors and can't wait to try this one.

  10. You had me on the name alone!
