
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Orange Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Cookies

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I'm a sucker for the flavor of semi sweet chocolate and orange. Does it get any better than that? Well maybe, add in some cream cheese and my mouth is doing the dance of joy!   To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.

These cookies were soft, the scent of the orange zest came shining through as I baked them. This is another recipe from RecipeZaar and it was posted by Karen. When I go looking for a recipe I like to read the comments from the people that have made it. There were 23 comments on this cookie, I'd say 99% were very happy with it ,some of them had problems with the cookie not spreading, some of them had trouble with the bottoms getting too brown. But basically all said that those things wouldn't keep them from making these again because they're that good! I didn't have any of those problems. There were lots of suggestions to adapt the recipe, so I decided to use some of them. The first thing I noticed about the recipe was there was no leavening agent , so I added 1/4 tsp of baking soda and a 1/4 tsp of baking powder. I also substituted half the white sugar for brown. I made this with butter not shortening , I used the zest from 1 medium size orange instead of just 1 tsp. I like my orange flavor! You could also substitute the vanilla for orange extract. I put parchment paper on the cookie sheet and baked them for 9 - 11 minutes, just until I could see they were starting to get brown around the edges. I let them cool a couple minutes on the cookie sheet. This recipe only made me 20 cookies. But that's ok, next time I'll double the recipe. This is a good recipe for 2 people who don't want a lot of cookies. This is a very good cookie if you like chocolate and orange together in a soft, delightful cookie.

I knew these were going to be soft just by looking at the batter.

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Orange Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Cookies

Posted By Karen


1/2 cup shortening ( I used butter)
3 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sugar ( I used 1/4 cup white sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar)
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon grated orange rind ( I used the zest of 1 medium orange)
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
( I put 1/4 tsp baking soda and 1/4 tsp baking powder )


1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2 Combine first 4 ingredients in a large bowl and beat at low speed until smooth and creamy.

3 Add vanilla and orange rind and beat well.

4 Combine flour and salt and add to cream mixture; beating well.

5 Stir in chocolate chips.

6 Drop dough by heaping teaspoonfuls on to cookies sheets and bake for 12-15 minutes, or until edges just begin to brown. ( These cookies didn't need to be baked that long, I only let them in the oven for 9 - 11 minutes).

7 Cool on wire racks


  1. I am seriously on my way over there woman...who is eating all this stuff? All I have right now is a red velvet cake made from a box...ack...I was desperate.

  2. Cathy the freaking cake I made yesterday is gone, a wild herd of teenage boys ate it all!!

  3. I think you could safely call this your recipe. Good changes in my opinion. What a yummy idea. I must try these next.

  4. i think orange and chocolate is a pairing that isn't done frequently enough--it's marvelous. your cookies look perfect, and i would've had trouble resisting the raw dough... :)

  5. It's a good thing it is well over 100 outside or I would be having a fit trying to pick between baking these or the cherry cake/pie....YUM! Thanks for adding me to your blog roll, you are the first person to comment on my blog! Nice to know I'm not talking to usual....

  6. Wow, these look so good. I'd never heard of adding cream cheese to a chocolate chip cookie. What a great idea!
