
Monday, August 4, 2008

Sausage Skillet Dinner

Picture 166

Sometimes when you have kids ( and a picky husband) you have to cook dinner a little differently than you would if you were just cooking it for yourself. Although tonight's dinner had everything from the recipe in it, you can't see it. If you could see it I would have to deal with the EEEEWWWW factor.  To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.

 The EEEEWWWW factor is when your kids see something on they're plate that they're not familiar with or they THINK they don't like,( this applies to my husband as well), and right away it's EEEEWWWW what's that! My husband and kids will sit and eat raw green peppers till they come out they're little ears, but if you cook a green pepper and they can see it, forget it. They insist they don't like it. Let me give you an example, when I made this month's Daring Baker Challenge I didn't expect my husband or the kids to like it because it had almonds in it. My husband INSISTS he hates all nuts except peanuts and because he doesn't like them the kids think they don't like them I didn't tell him that there were almonds in the cake, he ate it, I asked him if he liked it. He said yes, then I told him about the almonds. If he doesn't see the nuts, he eats the nuts.....and likes it! I MINCED the green peppers, onion, celery and garlic so nobody would know they were in our dinner but me. I also couldn't put the tomatoes in it because Mr " I'm 1/2 Italian" doesn't like tomatoes., he'll eat sauce but not tomatoes.....?????? I wanted all those flavors in there without dealing with.......well you know. So use your imagination and visualize, sauteed green peppers with onions mixed in with the pasta and smoked sausage, pretty isn't it?! Maybe someday I'll actually get to SEE it!!

Sausage Skillet Dinner
2 Tblsp. butter
1 lb. smoked sausage, cut into 1/4" slices
1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
1/2 cup sliced celery
3 or 4 cups cooked elbow macaroni (1-1/2 to 2 cups dry)
15 oz. tomato sauce
14.5 oz. diced tomatoes (not drained)
1 tsp. chili powder (or to taste)
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/2 cup shredded Cheddar

Meld butter in a large skillet. Add onion, garlic, green pepper and celery. Saute for about 5 minutes. Add sausage and saute another 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients except cheese. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently, until thoroughly heated. Sprinkle with cheese and cook just until cheese melts. Makes 6 to 8 servings


  1. I used to run things by my husband before I would make them- he would almost ALWAYS shoot it down, even tho I KNEW he would like the finished product. My MIL told me to stop asking and just make it and - yes -this works much better and in the end he likes it 95% of the time. LOL

  2. Hey I have to do the same thing! Those pesky kids don't want to see anything!

  3. I'm so lucky. MY Todd eats everything I put in front of him, even if he doesn't really enjoy it that much. Can you believe he hates pasta and chocolate? I know, neither can I!!! I do torture him with each from time to time. Bringing up five kids I got rather adept at hiding things in food that they didn't want to eat. It was the only way to survive! Otherwise I'd have had to cook five different meals every night!

  4. there's nothing like picky eaters to help keep your creative juices flowing! sounds like it's good for your imagination, too. :)

  5. I know exactly how you feel. My husband is the same way. I have to slather cheese or sauce on veggies or hide them so he'll eat it. And when it comes to meat--oh boy. Unless it's fried or real fine steak, I have to limit the amount in his dishes or else he pouts. I'm the meat-eater! (Does that make me the man in the relationship? :)

  6. i could perfectly emphatize with hubby is not only picky but also a big critic..LOl too much salt, it could have been perfect if..and so forth and so on ..Haaha but im used now..i just knew that if i improved my cookign the more he will eat and complain less LOL thanks for this sausage recipe sounds tempting!!

  7. Picky people. hehehe,, we've all got some, don't we? Well, the dish sounds good and looks good to me--I'd be very happy with some of that!

  8. My hubby and kids both have the eeewwww factor going on! It kills me!!! But, this dish looks awesome!

  9. Absolute riot post. I still have an "ew" factor with myself...can't cook with certain things b/c they gross me out.

  10. Hey You! Looks wonderful as always! :) I love peaches! My mom's name is Peach actually. Hahaha!
