
Monday, September 8, 2008

Apple Crumb Pie

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My quest for finding the perfect pie crust and Apple Pie recipe is over. I made the best Apple Pie I've ever made today.   To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.

We all have something that we wish we could do better, something that feels like it eludes us. And one of those things for me was pie crust. I've seen pictures of pie crusts that looked flakey and wondered ....why can't I find a recipe that will give me a crust like that? Well I found one! You will not believe how good it looks and tastes! I could hardly wait till the pie cooled off enough so I could cut it and taste it. The crust is out of this world good, then there was the crumble topping which I absolutely love and the apple filling is perfect. Put it all together and it's one heck of a pie.

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The pie crust is from Cooks Illustrated and is made with both butter and shortening, yes both. And it makes a flaky great tasting crust. The butter is in there to give it good taste and the shortening is to make it flaky. It's the best recipe I've ever made. And you won't believe how easy it is to make. An adapted version can be found here at Simple Recipes. The apple filling recipe came from RecipeZaar and is just as easy and delicious. And that recipe is here.

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I made this pie after dinner tonight and there's only 2 slices left, I'll be lucky if they're still in the fridge in the morning!


  1. OH WOW, that's one of my favourites Bunny! I just adore apple crumb pie! Yours looks fabulous. I could lick the screen and come back for more!

  2. Apple crumb pie is my favorite of all time. I had it at my wedding! Oh it looks delicious.

  3. aha! there's that butter-shortening combo i've heard so much about! awesome pie, bunny. nothing beats a good apple pie. :)

  4. Oh! It is Apple Pie season - but when is it not??! I"ll definitely be baking this up Bunny!

  5. Oh yum, just love it! Apple crumb is the best.

  6. Your crust looks beautiful!
    I am envious-:)
    Do you have a no-fail-beautiful-everytime trick for pie crust edges?

  7. Ivy all I do is just make sure to fold the over lapping dough under so it's kinda thick and crimp it. That's it,I hope everybody trys this recipe , you'll never look for another pie crust recipe again!!

  8. Oh oh!!! I'm in big trouble now - one of my greatest weeknesses is a good ole apple pie and this one combines both crust and crumble - so good.

  9. Hi Bunny, its my first visit to ur wonderful blog. I love apple pies, love em better with crumb topping. will definitely try this recipe. thanks.

  10. This is a sure sign that fall is on it's way in your neck of the woods. My daughter is an apple pie fan and requests one for her birthday, I must make this for her. I am a fan of crumb toppings. Good job, Bunny!

  11. Apple pie is one of the reasons I love LOVE Fall!!! I just made plans to make apple pie at work with the kids next week or the week after!!

  12. Looks delicious Bunny! I like the crumble top. The crust I made used both shortening and butter and it was really good. That's coming from someone who doesn't like most pie crusts.

  13. I'm getting ready to make this one right now -- but store-bought crusts this time. Thanks for all your recipes and the links. I love diner food, so I'm looking forward to keeping up with your blog and recipes. -- Michele

  14. Wow Bunny, you really hit a home run with this one. We loved it at my uncles 94th birthday party.
