
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cheesecake Factory Carrot Cake Cheesecake

Cheesecake factory Carrot Cake Cheesecake

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I'm in love with a that wrong? *sigh*. Cheesecake and Carrot Cake marry to make this lovely little hunk of heaven. I love people who have the creativity to dream this stuff up. Now that I have this recipe I'm thinking ...what other cake could you do this with?? Ah the possibilities!  To Read More, Click On The Title Of The Recipe
But today it's all about you my little carrot cake wonder. This recipe came from RecipeZaar. I found this recipe while looking for a different carrot cake recipe, I think this is different enough don't you!? It may sound a little intimidating but it's not, you're just making two batters up. One for the cheesecake part and one for the carrot cake part. I didn't put the coconut or the walnuts in this because my honey doesn't care for either one and it was still awesome! I don't know how this could be any better, you have carrot cake and cheesecake all in one luscious bite!

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After the batter for each is made you take your 9 inch springform pan , grease it then put 1 1/2 cups of the carrot cake batter on the bottom of the pan. Then you drop large spoonfuls of the cheesecake batter on top of it, then the rest of the carrot cake batter, then the rest of the cheesecake batter till it looks like this:

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You don't have to swirl it with a knife just put it in the oven. When I read the 40 reviews for this cake some people said that it browned to much on the edges, they suggested turning the oven back to 300 degrees and baking longer, which I did. It took about and hour and 20 minutes to bake this.

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It was beautiful ! The recipe said to put this in the fridge for an hour then frost it with the Cream Cheese Frosting.

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The next step was to let it sit in the fridge for another 3 or 4 hours...yeah right, after I have a piece!

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Maybe if I stare at her with my big puppy eyes she'll share.....

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Cheesecake Factory Carrot Cake Cheesecake


16 ounces cream cheese (at room temp)
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon flour
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla

3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 dash salt
1 (8 1/2 ounce) can crushed pineapple, well drained with juice reserved
1 cup grated carrot
1/2 cup flaked coconut
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

2 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 tablespoon butter, softened
1 3/4 cups powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon reserved pineapple juice

To make cheesecake,

In large bowl of electric mixer, beat together 2 pkgs cream cheese and 3/4 cup sugar until smooth.
Beat in 1 tablespoon flour, 3 eggs and 1teaspoons vanilla until smooth. Set aside.

Meanwhile prepare Carrot Cake:

In large bowl, combine oil, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs and 1 teaspoon vanilla, blending thoroughly.
Stir in 1 cup flour, baking soda, cinnamon and dash salt, mixing well.
Stir in drained pineapple, carrots, coconut and walnuts.
Spread 1 1/2 cups carrot cake batter over bottom of greased 9-or 9 1/2-inch springform pan.
Drop large spoonfuls of cream cheese batter over carrot cake batter; top with large spoonfuls of remaining carrot cake batter.
Repeat with remaining cream cheese batter, spreading evenly with a knife.
Do not marble with a knife.

Bake in preheated 350 degree oven 50 to 65 minutes or until cake is set and cooked through. (I baked this at 300 degrees for 1 hour and 20 minutes)
Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate.

When cake is cold, prepare Pineapple Cream Cheese Frosting.
In a bowl of electric mixer, combine 2 oz cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, 1 tablespoon reserved pineapple juice and dash of salt.
Beat until smooth and of spreading consistency.
Frost top of cheesecake.
Refrigerate 3 to 4 hours before serving.


  1. Bunny that looks fabulous!! I am drooling here. I bet Todd would really like it. I think your little pug is soooooo sweet! I want me one of those and a chiuaua!

  2. No, it's perfectly normal to be in love with food...I am.

  3. That looks awesome! I wish I could have a bite right now! :)

  4. Bunny you are a woman after my own heart! This looks delicious!

  5. Yup, really interesting combination. I can't even imagine it - I guess you'd really have to be grating those carrots pretty fine.
    Poor pug - pass over the cake already before the poor thing needs botox on the furrows from all the worry :)

  6. I've been reading your blog for a while now and I always love reading your descriptions of foods and your stories of how well a recipe worked. I loved your blog before, but now that I know you're a pug owner, I love it even more. : )

    I'm a cooking, pug fanatic!

  7. I don't know what I love more--the cake or the pug!

    Plus, I write odes to pie. I think I've got you beat in the crazy food lover department.

  8. I am not a fan of carrott cake, but you mix it in a cheesecake and I could so change my mind!!

  9. The best of both worlds, love this combo!!

  10. Oh my goodness Bunny! YUM!

  11. As much of a dessert freak that I am, I have never LOVED cheesecake, though I could certainly fall in love with this one. Carrot cake anything deserves to go in my mouth. Looks delicious!!

  12. Yum Bunny! I am a cheesecake fanatic! This looks beautiful, I'm in love with it too! Love your cute pug!

  13. Oh, now that is right up my alley!! Two of my favorite things...mmmm, looks positively, sinfully delicious!

  14. i'm always tempted by the carrot cake cheesecake at cf, but i always end up getting the actual carrot cake instead. i'm so glad you found the recipe! :)

  15. This does look terrific. I'm the same... always trying to find that 'unique' recipe that's just different enough to be interesting.

    I have a clipping of a carrot cake that I've been wanting to try that has a lime mascarpone icing. I thought that one sounded odd too!

  16. I am with you Bunny, who needs anything to chill or cool for a few hours. Your pup is cute and the carrot cheesecake looks good...........

  17. Oh my, that looks perfectly decadent!

  18. That is a beauty of a cheesecake! I also like that this is a change from the usual graham cracker crust that holds many a cheesecake--a second layer of cake is much more interesting! Nice work

  19. Seriously, I would eat the whole thing....not self control!

  20. Seriously, I would eat the whole thing....not self control!

  21. Oh My! I'm reporting you to the food porn bureau......

  22. I can attest to this recipe. I made it for a potluck at work once and it was a HIT! I've got the recipe filed in case the need for a terrific cheesecake comes up again!

  23. Holy moly this looks good! I'm really loving your blog!

  24. Bunny, Bunny,'re killing me with this one!! I have midterm exams this week and have to wait until the weekend to try my own version of this one. I see many variations of this in my head. Hummingbird cake cheesecake, pumpkin cake cheesecake, williamsburg orange cake cheesecake, banana cake head is spinning!

  25. Hey Bunny, check out the latest photo on my Rock Recipes Facebook Group.
    I made my own version using my favorite carrot cake and vanilla cheesecake recipes. I decides to go with whipped cream and candied carrot curls for garnish. When I publish it to my blog, I'll be sure to mention the source of my inspiration. ;)

  26. I made it today and had it for dessert and it was amazing! Everyone loved it! thanks for the recipe! I am definitely writing this one down in my recipe book!

  27. OMG Bunny. I think I'd like to dive in head first to that piece of cheesecake. Losing myself, with reckless abandon.

  28. This is an awesome cheesecake! I order this whenever we go to Cheesecake Factory. YUM!

  29. Have made this now 3x, as people request it . . . I have made a buttery graham cracker crust on the bottom, prebaked 10 min. because I love graham cracker crusts, and makes it more (to me) of a 'cheesecake'- also add 1/2 bottle of pineapple icecream topping to top of icing. WAY TOO DELICIOUS.

  30. this was amazing! do you have any recipes for pumpkin cheesecake??

  31. Wow! I've been on a quest to find a round-up of carrot cake recipes in order to celebrate Carrot Cake Day, Feb. 3, 2010 and yours is just what I need. It looks absolutely delicious!!!

    Would you mind very much if I "grabbed" your picture and included it in my post? Of course, I would link back to your recipe and your detailed commentary. Thank you so much for sharing Bunny:)

  32. Hi Bunny, just taking a moment to thank you again for the link and the pic. The post is up and your Cheesecake Factory Carrot Cake Cheesecake (wow that's some title!) sure is a hit!!!

  33. Hi two wonderful cakes in one! My only problem is the pineapple, does it stand out in the cake? Is it really noticeable or does it just add to it? Love pineapple but not really in baked goods. Thanks looking forward to making this :)

  34. Aviva, with all the different flavors going on in this cake I don't think you'll mind the pineapple in it. maybe you could cut the pineapple back and add more carrot? Thanks for stopping by! Let me know if you make it!
