
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Parker House Rolls and Butter Cookies

These were delicious and so easy to make, they will be on my Thanksgiving dinner table. I took pictures while I was making them.  To Read More, Click On The recipe Title.

After you get the yeast started and mix the dough up, put it into a greased bowl and let it rise. When it's doubled in size punch it down and roll these out to a 1/2 of an inch thick. Since I'm totally measurement impaired I stole... huh permanently borrowed one of my husbands measuring tapes to keep in my kitchen drawer. I used it to measure 1/2 inch thickness and then took my 3 inch biscuit cutter ( it's a cheapy from the grocery store) and cut out the rolls. This dough was so soft and easy to work with.

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After they're cut out the recipe says to brush them with butter, fold them in half and pinch the ends so they don't come open when the rise, it was easier for me to fold and pinch first ,then brush with butter, it's not easy to get it to stay together with butter all over it!

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This is what they look like folded. put these in a warm place, cover and let rise. After they've risen, bake them for 20 minutes or so until they are nice and brown , after they were done I brushed more butter on them and took them to the table. Outrageously good!!

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Parker House Rolls


1 cup whole milk
2 pkg. dry yeast
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
4-1/2 to 5 cups flour
more melted butter
Preparation:Warm the milk in a small saucepan over low heat. Mix 1/3 of the milk with the dry yeast in a small bowl and let sit until bubbly. In a large bowl, combine remaining milk, melted butter, salt and sugar and beat until the sugar is dissolved. Then add the beaten eggs and bubbly yeast.
Add flour, 1/4 cup at a time, beating on high speed of stand mixer. This step should take at least 5 minutes. When the dough gets too stiff to beat, stir in rest of flour by hand, if necessary, to make a soft dough. Turn out onto floured surface and knead for 5 minutes, until smooth and satiny. Place dough in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover and let rise in warm place until light and doubled in size. (I have also covered the dough well and placed it in the refrigerator overnight. This works really well.)
Punch down the dough and roll out on floured surface to 1/2" thickness. Cut with 3" round cookie cutter. Brush each roll with melted butter and fold in half to make half circles. Pinch edge lightly to hold, so the rolls don't unfold as they rise. Place in 2 greased 13x9" pans, cover, and let rise again until double. (If you refrigerated the dough, this will take a little longer.)
Bake rolls at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan immediately and brush with more melted butter. Don't use the same butter you used when forming the rolls - melt some fresh just for this step. Makes 24 rolls

Bunny's Post

Butter Cookies

This is an easy variation on the Swedish "spritz" cookie. You were suppose to use a pastry bag with a large fancy tip...I don't have one so I just used the bag.

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All I have are small tips and I knew the dough wouldn't get through it. This cookies was so easy to make that I did it after dinner one night, they only takes minutes to put together, the cookie is so buttery and light, I was really happy with it!

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I tried to make a little design when I was piping it on the cookie sheet. Go ahead you can say it...they look like caterpillars! After I baked them I covered half of the cookie in chocolate to make it pretty. It was a spur of the moment decision, I just melted chocolate chips and added shortening to make it thin enough to spoon over the cookies. A little not try to dip the cookie in the chocolate, they are so light they will break, I spooned the chocolate over them on my cooling racks. I'm making these again for Christmas , here's a picture:

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Here's one decorated for Christmas:

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I think they're soooo cute and they're very buttery and light, perfect for the end of a big meal.

Butter Cookies

1 cup ( 2 sticks) butter, softened
2/3 cup sugar
3 large egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease baking sheets.

Beat together butter and sugar at medium speed until light and fluffy. Beat in egg yolks, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla.

Beat flour and salt into butter mixture at low speed until well combined.

Place dough in a cookie press or pastry bag fitted with a large fancy tip. Press dough out into 2 1/2 inch lengths on prepared sheets, spacing 2 inches apart.

Bake cookies until very light golden brown, 8 minutes. Transfer baking sheets to wire racks to cool 5 minutes. Transfer cookies to racks to cool.


  1. Oh, Bunny - you are ALWAYS making me drool!! I so adore your dinner blogs. I'm not sure what I like better. It all looks amazing! Thanks for the tasty recipes!

  2. I can almost taste these cookies. You had me salivating! I have to try these- they look fun to make and so easy with the pastry bag. My son will love these especially if I dip them in chocolate.

  3. What a great post! I love each and every one of these recipes. I'll have to steal the rolls recipe for Thanksgiving dinner!

  4. YUM!!! The whole meal looks delicious!

  5. What a delicious looking meal!!! I just gained ten pounds from looking and drooling at it all! I have to give that chicken a try, as well as the rice, and those rolls and cookies, wow!

  6. Wow, everything looks delicious!

  7. Oh Bunny this looks so delicious! I am bookmarking it to try later. I love chicken and southwestern!!

  8. That was some dinner. Your rolls look flaky and so good.....Thumbs up on the chicken dish, I love the Southwestern take on Scalloppine. And then the cookies...nothing like a great cookie to end a meal!

  9. Another excellent meal. I swear. I'm going to PA to find your restaurant and when you see me "hop" through the door, you'll know it's me!

  10. Bunny, when you and Carol cook up a meal, all I can say is W O W !!!!!

    The chicken dinner is right up my alley, just love it... those rolls, I want some!! and those cookies Oooh MY!!

    Great dinner girl's!!

  11. Wow, I would love to have this meal laid out for me, from the main course to the dessert, for lunch! It looks beautiful. I think the decision to cook up both recipes was a great one, it all looks so beautiful and hearty!

  12. Such a neat idea to do a complete dinner post! Everything looks delicious. I bet the rice is SO good and the Parker House Rolls are beautiful!

  13. oh my gosh. there is so much deliciousness going on on this page I don't know where to begin. The dinner sounds fabulous. The rice almost looks like risotto or a risotto cake. Yum! and the chicken, oven-fried zucchini and rolls all look amazing. What a feast!

  14. what a lovely meal... thanks for sharing... :)

  15. Was I not at home when you called to invite me for dinner? You didn't even leave a message and I missed this? Sinful.

  16. Oh my goodness a completely beautiful meal. It makes me want to head to cubboard for a snack as my stomach growled while reading. Thank you for this.

  17. May I say that EVERYTHING in this post looks absolutely delicious. What a great collection of recipes in one post. I want to make that chicken and I know my husband would die for those rolls. He has a certain affection for small units of bread.

  18. Wow, that was an amazing post, full of nice ideas!!!

  19. when i'm looking at a menu, my eyes are always immediately drawn to the "chipotle," "southwestern," and "spicy," so i'm loving this post. all of it. every single bit. :)

  20. This looks excellent! Thank you for providing the whole meal--that means I don't have to tax my already overworked brain on a weeknight! The caterpillar cookies look delicious and I will be trying all of these recipes soon!

  21. You have left out all the guessing out of making the perfect meal:D

  22. Ohhh those cookies my dear. A taste of heaven. This is one exquisite post.

  23. I wish I can do a David Copperfield move on your whole dinner!!!!

  24. Wow, what a fantastic post Bunny! I love those cute dipped cookies, my family would love them!

  25. Beautiful food! Love the colors in the chicken dish. I also think those cookies are too cute!

  26. No that's a dinner I would love to have! Thanks for all the great recipes.

  27. Everything looks absolutely amazing... especially that chicken recipe. That totally looks like something we would love. Bookmarked!

  28. Oh my God. Ya'll have created my perfect meal. Since I'm allergic to chocolate, Bunny, any suggestions for a chocolate alternative icing?

    And Carol, I'm with you. I'm all over the Southwestren food. And I'm all over these two dishes.

  29. It all looks so tasty and inviting! That rice casserole looks divine and the cookies are so homey and sweet. Nice work ladies!
