
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake???

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It's been awhile since I've made a cake. I've been so consumed with making summer desserts because of the heat and humidity that the thought of having the oven on to preheat it and bake something would send me into a hot flash!  To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.

 But today there's no humidity and the temperature outside is down and I took advantage of it. Have you ever made a mayonnaise cake?? Putting mayonnaise in a cake as the fat makes it moist,very moist and yummy. I know it's weird putting a condiment in a cake but it works! I don't remember where I found this recipe, It's called "Old Time Fudge Cake". After I started the cake I realized I didn't have the ingredients to make the frosting that went with it, that was smart of me huh! So I put a chocolate buttercream frosting from the Land O Lakes site on it, I think I did pretty good. I am by no means a good cake decorator but I didn't have to decorate just slather!

This was a 3 layer cake, I wish the frosting between the layers was thicker, maybe next time I'll just make 2 layers so there's more frosting for the layers. Do you see how the cake shines? That tells you that it's moist. Adding mayonnaise to the cake doesn't add any flavor to it so don't worry about that, it's there as the fat for the cake. Mayonnaise has oil and eggs in it and does a great job of making a cake moist. Ok enough about mayonnaise here's the recipe! I will also post the recipe for the frosting that should have gone with this cake that I didn't make just in case you want to make it.

Picture 058


2 3/4 cup(s) all-purpose flour
1 2/3 cup(s) sugar
1 cup(s) unsweetened cocoa
1 cup(s) mayonnaise
1 tablespoon(s) vanilla extract
2 teaspoon(s) baking powder
3/4 teaspoon(s) baking soda
1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
2 large eggs
1 1/2 cups water

1 1/2 package(s) (8-ounce) semisweet-chocolate squares
1 1/2 cup(s) heavy cream, substitute whipping cream


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease three 8-inch round cake pans. Line cake pans with waxed paper; grease waxed paper. In large bowl, with mixer at low speed, beat flour, sugar, cocoa, mayonnaise, vanilla extract, baking powder, baking soda, salt, eggs, and 1 1/2 cups water until blended. Increase speed to high; beat 2 minutes. Pour batter evenly into pans. Bake 25 to 30 minutes until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean. Cool cake layers in pans on wire racks 10 minutes. Remove from pans; remove waxed paper. Cool cake layers completely on racks. Meanwhile, prepare chocolate frosting: Coarsely chop semisweet-chocolate squares. In 2-quart saucepan over low heat, heat chopped chocolate and heavy cream until chocolate is melted and smooth, stirring frequently. Remove saucepan from heat; refrigerate until frosting is an easy spreading consistency, about 1 3/4 to 2 hours. (Frosting should hold a peak when lifted with a spoon.). Place 1 cake layer on cake plate; spread with about 1/2 cup frosting. Repeat layering, ending with a cake layer. Spread remaining frosting over cake.

This is the frosting I used for the cake, the chocolate variation is at the bottom of the recipe.

Land O Lakes

Preparation time: 10 min
Yield: 2 1/3 cups
4 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup LAND O LAKES® Ultra Creamy™ Butter ( I used regular butter)
2 teaspoons vanilla Food color, if desired

Combine all ingredients except food color in large bowl. Beat at low speed until well mixed. Increase speed to medium; beat, scraping bowl often, until light and fluffy. Tint frosting with food color, if desired.

VARIATIONS:*Luscious Chocolate Frosting: Add 3 (1-ounce) squares unsweetened baking chocolate, melted, cooled. Beat in 1 to 2 tablespoons additional milk to reach desired spreading consistency.


  1. I never knew you could put mayo on a cake! That's so cool!

  2. your cake is huge in size and awesomeness. :) even though i hate hate hate mayonnaise, i don't think i could resist this!

  3. Bunny..I have not thought of one of these in years! Fantastic!

  4. It is huge and awesome! I've made mayonnaise cake lots of times--really mayo is just eggs and oil. And it leaves no flavor in the cake.

    Gorgeous cake and it's going to make me think of it late at night when jonesing for some chocolate cake and milk.

  5. I've heard the praises of how moist a mayonnaise cake turns out and that you'd just never even know it's in there. Your cake is totally divine.

  6. We'd like to invite you to participate in our July berry recipe contest. All competitors will be placed on our blogroll, and the winner will receive a fun prize! Please email me,, if you're interested. Feel free to check out our blog for more details:

    Thanks :),
    KI Chief Blogger

  7. I've had a similar recipe bookmarked for years. I never made it because I was worried the mayo taste would be detectable. But after your testimonial, I think this will be the first cake I make after the weather cools down. How could anyone resist this tower of chocolate goodness!

  8. That's one fine looking, pretty cake Bunny! I haven't made a mayonnaise cake in years! have to revisit that!

  9. your cake looks real yummy can't wait to make it thank you for the post.have a blessed day

  10. wow!! im smitten and totallay impressed with this cake!! one the cake is beautiful really looks like a pro..and its with mayo..never tried that! thanks for this recipe :-)

  11. wow, that cake looks so moist and delicious! i wonder if theres a mayo vanilla cake, too?

  12. yes stephanie ! there is a vanilla mayo cake, if you would like the recipe just email me.

  13. wow your cake looks soooooooo moist!

  14. Kids in my daughter's 7th grade class made mayo cakes (from a book they were reading)and as an assignment, brought them to class. They were to be decorated according to the book. She said it was the best cake she ever had, She was so impressed! I'll have to let her try this recipe and watch her eyes light up.
