
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Apple Cinnamon Rolls

Grab yourself a cup of coffee and relax, we're making Apple Cinnamon Rolls.   To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.

I've made Cinnamon Rolls and Sticky Buns ...but never Apple Cinnamon Rolls. It's fall and I have apples on the brain. Apples, apples , apples!! This is made with yeast, wait , wait don't get nervous, it was easy.
Now the Apple Cinnamon Rolls.... This going to be my entry for Yeastspotting, a weekly showcase of yeast baked goods and dishes with bread as the main ingredient.

See that nice fluffy Apple Cinnamon Roll? You can have this, I'm gonna show you how.

The apple filling.

I made this first earlier in the morning so I was all set when I made the dough.
Combine 2 large cooking apples, chopped; 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, 3/4 cup sugar, and 1/4 cup butter or margarine in medium saucepan; bring to a boil over medium high heat. Cook 3 minutes. Reduce heat to medium low; cook 10 minutes, stirring constantly until thick. Stir in 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg. Cool completely.

Picture 860

It came together very fast and it was YUMMY!!

The dough.

In your Kitchen Aid bowl or a large bowl your going to combine :
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 pkgs RapidRise yeast
and 1 tsp salt

In a saucepan your going to heat :
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup milk
and 1/4 cup of butter to about 120 degrees.

I went for my thermometer to check the temperature and it was broke! I just heated the mixture till it was very warm, not HOT. After this is warm enough your going to add this to the flour mixture in your KA. Beat 2 minutes at medium speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally. Add eggs and 1 cup flour; beat 2 minutes at high speed, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in enough remaining flour to make a soft dough. Knead on lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Cover; let rest 10 minutes. This was a sticky dough, I floured my counter and hands and it turned into a very nice soft elastic smooth dough. It was very easy to work with.

Picture 867

Your going to divide the dough into 2 equal portions. Roll each portion into a 12 x 8-inch rectangle.

Picture 876

Picture 878

Then your going to spread the apple filling you made on top. Remember your making 2 rolls so divide it up equally.

Picture 879

Roll it up jellyroll style, starting with the long end and slice it into 12 pieces, I only got 8 slices. I guess I got carried away!

Picture 885

Put them into a greased 9 inch pan, cover them and let them sit in a nice warm place until they rise...about an hour.

Picture 887

Look how nice they rose up. Now your going to sprinkle them with the cinnamon - sugar mixture and bake.

Picture 890

Yes they're going to be covered in the cinnamon sugar, I was thinking it was almost too much but oh no ... it was just enough. After this is baked and you turn it out of the pan some of the sugar will come off, but don't worry, there's plenty that stays put too!

Trust me you need this!

My son Matt and I decided to take it up a notch and drizzle some caramel ice cream topping on about taking it over the top!

Apple Cinnamon Rolls

5 to 5-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 envelopes FLEISCHMANN'S RapidRise Yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup butter or margarine
3 large eggs

Apple Filling (recipe follows)

Cinnamon-Sugar Topping (recipe follows)

In large bowl, combine 1 cup flour, sugar, undissolved yeast, and salt. Heat water, milk, and butter until very warm (120oF to 130oF). Gradually add to flour mixture. Beat 2 minutes at medium speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally. Add eggs and 1 cup flour; beat 2 minutes at high speed, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in enough remaining flour to make a soft dough. Knead on lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Cover; let rest 10 minutes.

Divide dough into 2 equal portions. Roll each portion into 12 x 8-inch rectangle. Spread Apple Filling evenly. Beginning at long end of each, roll up tightly as for jelly roll. Pinch seams to seal. Cut each roll into 12 equal pieces. Place, cut sides up, in greased 9-inch round pans. Cover, let rise in warm, draft-free place until doubled in size, about 45 minutes.

Sprinkle with Cinnamon-Sugar Topping.

Bake at 375oF for 25 to 30 minutes or until done.

Remove from pans; serve warm.

Apple Filling:

Combine 2 large cooking apples, chopped; 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, 3/4 cup sugar, and 1/4 cup butter or margarine in medium saucepan; bring to a boil over medium high heat. Cook 3 minutes. Reduce heat to medium low; cook 10 minutes, stirring constantly until thick. Stir in 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg. Cool completely.

Cinnamon-Sugar Topping: Combine 3/4 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg. Stir until well-blended.


  1. OH MY GOD Bunny-I'm ready to CRY! I want one of these SOOOO bad! Excuse me...I need to get the whole ROLL of paper towels to mop up the drool!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. My's 9 at night and now I'm CRAVING those delicious looking rolls! YUM!

  3. Bunny, those cinnamon rolls are killing me! I want them sooo bad! I'm posting my cinnamon rolls tommorow but I ain't got nothing on you. I want to adopt YOU! You can cook all sorts of delicious treats and I'll be too fat to leave the house. Thanks for saying so many wonderful things about me.

    My e-mail is Ask away!

  4. Oh wow those look delicious!! I think I am going to have to try these. I have a small batch of apples left from my orchard trip, these look like the ticket!

  5. Oh my gosh! These cinnamon rolls look so soft and gooey, YUM!

    Thank you so much for passing on an award to me. You are such a great foodie-blog friend.

  6. How absolutely cute! I love the solo roll photo.

  7. I LIVE for cinnamon rolls. I just gobble them right up!

    These look wonderful!

    Congrats on your award.

  8. OMG...Hot cinnamon rolls.....arrrrrggggggghhh (drool)! I read once that the scent of cinnamon rolls was a male aphrodesiac! I guess Pillsbury was right: "Nothin' says lovin' like something from the oven!" HAHA!

    Thanks for the shout out for my blog, Bunny. Happy baking, Barry.

  9. OMG. Friday. Must. Bake. Cinnamon. Rolls.

  10. Bunny!! Thank you for your recognition of my blog. I am quite honored!

  11. Oh, my Lord these look evil and delicious. I crave cinnamon rolls morning, noon and night!

  12. The rolls look incredibly soft and moist. Thanks for participating in YeastSpotting!

  13. Bunny..they're singing to me! Certainly evil & delicious...

  14. Bunny, these "Apple Cinnamon Rolls" are taunting me, yes they are!! Hope I can find an excuse to leave the office and make a run up to Dunkin Donuts, a far cry from yours... but a girl gotta do what a girls gotta do!! I need a fix!!!!

    Thank you so much for the "Excellent" award, that's so very SWEET of you!! ;-)

  15. Oh My!!! Bunny, these look so good!!

  16. OoooH! The apples really make them good!

  17. Congratulations on the award, Bunny. Those rolls look sooo good.

  18. Thank you for the award!!!!!!!!

    And, Gosh, your cinnamon look SO yummy!!!!!! I want at least 3, right now!!!

  19. I know, I do NEED this.
    :::sigh:::: Perfect

  20. i thought i had tried every type of cinnamon roll out there, so how is it i missed something as obviously delicious as this? bless you, bunny, for bringing it to my attention. :)

  21. Oh wow, I love cinnamon rolls, but cinnamon rolls with apple?! Heavenly!!

  22. I absolutely love your twist on the standard but yummy cinnamon roll! I am so going to make these over the holidays, bravo!

  23. I would have loved to have these for my breakfast Bunny. Congratluations also on the well deserved:D

  24. These look divine! I love anything with apples and cinnamon...especially a cinnamon roll :)!

  25. I am a cinnamon roll junkie and these are *slurp* amazing!! Well done!

  26. Those look incredible! I've never thought of adding apples to cinnamon rolls, but it makes perfect sense!

    Congrats on your well deserved award!

  27. This looks phenomenal. I really need to try these soon

  28. I think I might need to go to church after seeing these rolls... cause they look positively sinful!!

    Very creative and they look fantastic!

  29. Delicious! This looks so good...and easy. I love the special touch of caramel. Yummy with a big mug of Hazlenut coffee...or perhaps caramel? Mmmm
