
Monday, June 30, 2008

Chicken BLT Salad

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I wouldn't consider myself a great cook, I'm really pretty much into baking. Baking is what I do to relax and forget about work. Cooking is nice to except I'm not a very adventurous cook.  To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.

 I have the 3 rug rats and Sam to think about when I'm making a meal, they'll eat anything I bake but meals are different. I don't cook with fancy ingredients cause frankly the kids would probably turn they're noses up at it and it would make me sick to waste money and ingredients! When I come across something that my kids and hubby absolutely love I will post it. This Chicken BLT Salad falls into that category. They actually request this, when I made this the first time, Matt turned to me and asked when I was gonna make it again. Yeah they LOVED it. If you read this blog you know that I get a lot of recipes from my friend Cookie, who is a wonderful cook and baker. Cookies daughter Robin got together some recipes awhile back and made a cookbook for her church as a fundraiser. The cookbook is called Heart and Soul Cookbook, Cookie sent me a copy of it and that's where this recipe comes from. Robin submitted the recipe, she's following in the footsteps of her very talented mother and has started a blog with her cousin Megan called, The Family Bakery. These two young woman are very excited about trying new recipes and baking! I'm gonna print the recipe straight from the book but I have to double the recipe for my crew. This is a salad you would make as a main course it's got everything in it!! So here we go with the recipe!

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I baked about 5 or six boneless chicken breast and just cut them up.

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Then came a pound of bacon, that I chopped up and fried till it was crispy.

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I hard boiled 8 eggs (we don't worry about cholesterol here!) And chopped them up.

And then there was the dressing, oh yes that wonderful dressing! The picture of which ended up at the top of the post with the salad, how the heck did I do that!! Sometimes I amaze myself. LOL. All these ingredients together make a heck of a good salad! Oh yeah your suppose to put tomatoes in it too, but Sam doesn't like tomatoes, put anything you want in it, cheese, other vegetables and go to town! Who wants to spend hours in the kitchen, just make it look like you did!!
Chicken BLT Salad
Robin Turillis
1/2 cup mayonnaise
4 tbls barbecue sauce
2 tbls finely chopped onion
1 tbls lemon juice
1/4 tsp pepper
8 cups torn salad greens
2 large tomatoes, chopped ( may use cherry or grape tomatoes)
1 1/2 lbs boneless, skinless, cooked , cooled and cubed
10 bacon strips, cooked and crumbled
2 hard boiled eggs
In a small bowl, combine the first 5 ingredients; mix well. Cover and refrigerate until serving time. Place salad greens on a large platter. Sprinkle with tomatoes, chicken and bacon, garnish with eggs. Drizzle with dressing.


  1. What a delicious looking salad! It's going to be quite hot here today so I may give it a try!

  2. This salad does look really good.
    I'll have to try it sometime.

    well, you have been tagged. See my post titled, "i have been tagged!" for details.

    Have a wonderful day!
