
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Baked Pork Chops with Beans

This recipe is so easy to make you can come home from work and within 15 minutes have dinner in the oven.   To Read More, Click On The Recipe Title.

I like dinners like that. Make it and forget about it for an hour, put your aching feet up and relax. Years ago I worked in a grocery store in the Deli department, a couple days a week I had to work in the Meat department. You can learn a lot of stuff in the Meat department, very useful stuff. For instants, when I go food shopping I usually buy the meat that's on sale, most of you probably do too. When I see a boneless pork loin on sale I buy it knowing that I can cut a boneless pork loin up at home and make boneless pork chops.

I paid less than $6.00 for this boneless pork loin on sale.

All you need is a sharp knife, I cut that little layer of fat off on the top, cut the chops to the thickness that I wanted and I had boneless pork chops at a fraction of the cost of
buying them pre-cut by the butcher in the store. I got 6 pork chops out of that loin. I took these chops, salt and peppered them and browned them in a little oil in a fry pan. I took canned baked beans, my husband likes Bush's beans. Well actually I put 2 in and doubled the rest of the recipe cause I'm feeding 5 and they love baked beans. I added the seasoning to the beans , laid the chops on top of the beans and into the oven they went

These chops come out nice and tender. Add a salad or corn on the Cob and you've got dinner.

And now the recipe:

4 thick pork chops
Salt & pepper
1 tbsp. brown sugar
1 med. onion, chopped
1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 lb. can Boston baked beans
Season chops with salt and pepper; brown well in pan. Place in shallow baking dish. Dot with butter. Mix remaining ingredients and pour over chops. Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees.


  1. My Dad is an authentic West Texas Cowboy and has instilled a love of beans with me. This looks wonderful! I'll have to try it!

    I've got your meme schelduled for tommorow. Thanks for the sweet note about my stories! I'm so glad you like them! I'll be in Alaska tommorow, but I've got blogs schelduled for Friday and Saturday so be sure to stop by!

  2. This looks easy -- and filled with protein. A great concept to play around with... love those beans!

  3. Loved your tag below Bunny and I love this casserole dish you have posted. Two of my favourite things! Pork chops and beans! Yummy!

  4. Bunny, we're having an unusually cool day in my neck of the woods, and your offering of Pork Chops and Beans is a very comforting sight.

  5. I love any meal that involves opening cans, adding meat, and not much else. I completed my meme assignment. Thanks for tagging me. --Lulu

  6. That looks really good! Easy dinner is always a plus, too. I've done that same thing with pork loin--it's such a money saver!
